Web Design, Digital Content Strategy, Video Production





As part of a four-year collaboration with Assocamerestero, which began through a public tender, we implemented the communication strategy of the TRUE ITALIAN TASTE food and wine project.

The fundamental objective of the strategy was to communicate the activity of the Italian Chambers of Commerce by going beyond institutional communication, creating original contents, inserted within a structured editorial plan, which could inform and entertain, respecting the values and objectives of the brand and the project.

The first step was the total restyling of the trueitaliantaste.com site associated with a new editorial approach. A dynamic map has been created to give an idea of the distribution of the Italian Chambers of Commerce in the world and their capillarity and cooperation.

The restyling allowed to improve the user experience while browsing and to increase active engagement. The contents inserted allowed to improve the sentiment and increase the permanence rate as well as the number of pages visited.

The next step was to create new formats that reflected the brand’s values, such as the web series CI VEDIAMO IN CAMERA and THE WINE SIDE OF ITALY, which we conceived, created and promoted.